Saturday, March 5, 2011

Recent MVC3 Tournament

Recently I went to a nearby arcade in Spring, Texas to see the local Marvel Vs Capcom 3 scene at DNA Comics. As the game is only a little less then 2 weeks old I did not expect much. But I was surprised the moment I sat down that these players were clearly no button mashers.

I used my usual team of Wesker/Chun-Li/ Dante, I expected to see lots of Sentinel players and guess what... I did, but they used Sentinel strategically instead of running in only using brute force trying to break there way through, or standing back using Sentinels laser attack.

I Enjoyed my time over there, I'm happy to have met a nice place for lots of people interested in various types of things can go.


  1. Dude, I friggen wish I was there.

  2. i wish we had a good arcade near here

  3. is that game worth buying or are there characters like sentinel that are op?
